Become a Member
Building Industry & Land Development - Central Alberta is the voice of Canada’s residential construction industry.

We are your local representatives in Central Alberta.
​When you join Building Industry & Land Development-Central Alberta you automatically become a member at three levels:
locally, provincially and nationally. Strong relationships with government at the municipal, provincial and federal levels ensure the Association can effectively address policy issues which affect our industry members.
BILD-CA’s membership includes new home builders, renovators, developers, trades, manufacturers, suppliers, lenders and other professionals – the companies and people who provide Canadians with quality housing from coast to coast. Members commit to act with integrity and professionalism in all aspects of their company’s operation.

Your membership with Building Industry & Land Development - Central Alberta is a mark of distinction that identifies you as a professional in the residential construction industry. Association members use their membership to build confidence with consumers and businesses while setting yourself apart from underground and under-qualified contractors.
Membership provides real benefits and real value that will help you to succeed in today's challenging business environment.

Networking: Networking opportunities within the home building industry
One Voice: The strength of speaking in a collective voice with local municipal governments regarding how government policy impacts housing affordability, quality and choice
Industry News and Information: receive newsletters and access to educational opportunities for industry updates.
Marketing and Recognition: Enhanced marketing through BILD CA member directory, event sponsorships, awards program, consumer trade show and the use of BILD, CHBA and RenoMark logos
Credibility: Through the Code of Ethics, BILD members commit to act with integrity and professionalism.
Volunteers Make a Difference: Active involvement in a dynamic group of professionals, either with our Board of Directors or various Committees
Three Levels of Membership: When you join BILD you automatically become a member at three levels: locally, provincially and nationally.
National Advantage Program: Exclusive access to national discounts and benefits through the Canadian Home Builders’ Association (CHBA) exclusive access to “CHBA National Advantages” program offering discounts and benefits through CHBA. Visit to see details on what’s currently being offered. The discount codes are available once you’re logged in to the CHBA website.

To Apply for Membership
The process: Contact us today to receive a member application. Once your membership application is submitted, staff will check the references you have provided. Each application will be reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors. Once full approval has been granted you will be immediately contacted by staff and begin to receive membership benefits and communications.
For more information, reach out